Tag Archives: delphinium

Wow, Its Been Awhile

Wow, got so busy last year that something had to go and keeping up with the website was that something. Guess I felt they had to be long and informative and I just couldn’t find the time to be long winded. So here we are a year later and I am going to give it a try again. Hope you are all still out there. And if so, Thank You!

January was a wonderfully mild month which got us thinking that spring would be early. We started seeding for early cool flowers and were hopeful for a mild late winter. Wow, that didn’t happen.

Daffodils poking through and reaching for the sun.

February came in like a beast, with days of snow and nights of very low frosty temperatures.

Crocus heralding spring were covered with snow.

All the little seedlings that were started early, stalled and sat there. Flowers that we were normally would have during the month, just didn’t bloom. Valentine’s Day was missed, darn! Valentine’s anemones and tulips were just not ready.

Now it is March and our flowers are finally starting to grow.

Anemones and Hellebore are finally blooming. The delphinium is stretching and starting to send up flower buds. We are working the peony beds and are constantly pulling tulips as they bloom in the much milder weather of March.

Today is the Spring Equinox where the day and night times are equal. Moving forward the days will get longer and we will get busy so I hope you will stay with us here on our website and as we share our little farming adventure.

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. ~Proverb

Happy Spring! Until next time…